Sunday, January 7, 2018

Fibonacci Sequence

 A pattern that occurs over and over in nature is the Fibonacci Sequence. The pattern is this: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55... Do you know the next number in the pattern?
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When you make squares with those widths, you get this cool spiral:Fibonacci Spiral

Look at these beautiful images that follow this pattern:

Messier 83, a spiral galaxy located 15 million light-years away from Earth.

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Image result for fibonacci in human body

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A spider form formed using a spiral shape.

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Image result for fibonacci in nature flowers

The pattern does not always appear in a spiral.
The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Sequence go hand in hand...pardon the pun.

Image result for fibonacci in human body

Divide 8 by 5, Divide 21 by 8, Divide 55 by 34... choose any two numbers in the sequence that are next to each other and divide larger by smaller. 

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